Sunday, March 17, 2013

Rise and Shine

This morning we were off to an early start! Everyone met in the lobby for breakfast at 6:00 am with bags packed and ready to go. We loaded the buses at 6:30 to head to the United States Capitol. Before our tour, we had the honor of meeting Congressman Brett Guthrie on the Capitol steps for pictures. He came to Sorgho for our Veterans Day program, and we presented him with a US flag painted with the fingerprints of every child at our school. When Congressman Guthrie appeared at the Capitol, he was carrying the flag painting that we made for him.

Then we headed into the Capitol for our guided tour. The artwork was amazing and was everywhere we turned. We saw statues of Henry Clay, Ronald Reagan, Martin Luther King, Jr., and one of the newest commissioned statues, Rosa Parks.

Busy Day Continues

Our afternoon continued to be a very busy one. Daniel's Story, the children's section of the Holocaust Museum, was our next stop. Sorgho 5th graders had read this piece of historical fiction as they studied about the Holocaust. Pictures were not allowed in this exhibit.

As we traveled by foot, we passed the Washington Memorial (notice the construction surrounding the base) and the Mall. Chaperone groups had a choice to visit either the American History or Natural History Smithsonian Museums.

After walking to the Ronald Reagan Center for dinner, we got in a little more exercise by walking to the White House to take pictures. Our buses then picked us up for a night tour of the Jefferson Memorial before heading back to the hotel! Needless to say, no one had trouble going to sleep tonight!